Hidden health risks in horse stables
Have you ever opened a stable door and been hit by a pungent odour that irritates your nose, throat and lungs? That smell is ammonia. Many horse lovers consider the smell of ammonia to be an unavoidable part of their hobby, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, stables that smell are a health risk to humans and horses alike.
People who spend a lot of time taking care of horses are usually aware that ammonia is harmful to the animals but seldom consider the fact that it also poses a risk to humans. Ammonia is corrosive and can eat through any moist tissue that it comes into contact with.
Extended exposure to ammonia can weaken the sense of smell, making it harder to detect the presence of ammonia and increasing the associated health risks. Similarly, children who are exposed to ammonia can suffer more than adults due to the greater area of their lungs in relation to their weight and their faster breathing.
What effects can a long-term exposure to ammonia cause? Can the most typical diseases of horses be affected?
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